Friday 30 May 2008

Tickets for the UEFA EURO 2008

Not surprising, there are no tickets left for the UEFA Euro Cup 2008. At least that's what the Organisation says. Looks like the tickets were put on sale last year already, and with a lottery-like system, will be allocated to the fortunate few. According to the UEFA, each national team has an allocation of tickets and it is up to them what to do with the tickets.

At first sight, it doesn't seem to be any tickets on sale in Ebay. Neither on the German website or the one in the UK. And on the website of the Spanish Football Association there is no information available about tickets.

Just as the World Cup in Germany some years ago, the resale of the tickets is forbidden and penalised. The prices were, as expected, very high: from 45 Euros for a regular match (75 for the opening game), to 550 for the final. This is not very different for the prices of European football teams. I went to one game of Barcelona FC and ended up paying around 60 Euro per ticket, and it wasn't against Real Madrid or Valencia, was an average team.

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