Friday 30 May 2008

UEFA Euro 2008 tickets

The UEFA just announced that more than 1 million tickets for the Euro cup 2008 will be sent in the next weeks from Austria to the fortunate ones who could get hold of them. The tickets were distributed by a lottery like system due to the overwhelming demand. If you applied for a ticket for the UEFA Euro cup 2008, you should have already received an email communicating if you got one or not. If you haven't, go to the official website of the Eurocup and log-in in the ticket portal tool they provide.
I can remind you of the official prices of the tickets according to the UEFA 2008 website:

Opening game Euro cup: Switzerland vs. Czech Republic at 18:00 in Basel, Switzerland --> from 70 euro to 250 euro
Euro cup group matches or Euro cup first round games ----> from 45 euro to 110 euro
Euro cup quarter finals -----> from 60 euro to 180 euro
Semi finals Euro cup ------> from 80 euro to 300 euro
Final Euro cup in Viena in Austria -------> from 160 euro to 550 euro

The tickets for the football games in the Euro cup include the transportation on buses and trains to and from the stadium. The stadiums will open 3 hours before kick off.

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